29 Jul 2018 by Mark Fattore

They promised – and have now delivered! The Mullet Challenge, devised by the MJFNC’s U17 team as a fundraiser for their great mate Stuart Simpson – who has been fighting non-Hodgkin Lymphoma – reached its crescendo at Tony Clarke today.

It was a simple equation: if $5000 was raised to lighten the load on Stuart and his family, the 17s would surrender to clippers and scissors for new mullet haircuts.

The moment of truth, in front of a capacity crowd in the Tony Clarke social rooms, saw resident MJFNC snipper Chev McGinty get down to business at a ferocious pace, and you can see the fruits of her labour in the attached photos. Some of the cuts even put the finest mullet aficionados from days of yore to shame! More photos to come, as well.

We’re not sure how some of the cuts will align with school hair grooming policies, but I’ll guess we’ll find out over the next week or so…

There were a number of print and electronic media in attendance, and a story will appear on WIN Bendigo news either tomorrow or Tuesday night.

The Mullet Challenge was a brilliant idea and wonderfully executed, not only providing a shot in the arm for the Simpson family but also a reaffirmation of how communities and sporting clubs come together when times get tough. Thank you to everyone who has been involved!

You can still donate to the Mullet Challenge by clicking here:

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